If you are an employer in Nebraska who offers health and welfare benefits to your employees, such as medical, dental, vision, or wellness plans, you may be subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. ERISA is a federal law that sets minimum standards for employee benefit plans, including plan documentation, disclosure, and reporting requirements. ERISA applies to employers of all sizes, regardless of whether they are fully insured or self-funded.

One of the key requirements of ERISA is to provide a summary plan description (SPD) to all plan participants within 90 days of coverage and within 30 days of a request. An SPD is a document that explains the plan benefits, eligibility, claims procedures, and participants’ rights and obligations in a clear and comprehensive manner. An SPD must also include information about the plan sponsor, administrator, fiduciary, funding, and termination.

Many employers rely on the insurance carriers or third-party administrators to provide them with the SPDs for their health and welfare plans. However, these documents may not be sufficient to comply with ERISA, as they may not contain all the required information or reflect the employer’s specific plan design and provisions. Moreover, if an employer offers multiple benefit plans, each plan may have a separate SPD, which can be confusing and cumbersome for the participants.

This is where an ERISA wrap document can help. An ERISA wrap document is a written document that supplements the insurance policy, coverage certificate, or plan booklet provided by the carriers or administrators. It “wraps” around these documents and fills in the gaps to comply with ERISA’s SPD requirements. It also consolidates multiple plan documents into a single SPD, which simplifies the administration and communication of the benefits.

An ERISA wrap document can provide the following benefits for employers:

  • Reduce the risk of non-compliance and penalties. ERISA violations can result in costly fines, audits, lawsuits, and reputational damage. An ERISA wrap document can help employers avoid these consequences by ensuring that they meet the SPD requirements and provide accurate and complete information to their plan participants. An ERISA wrap document can also help employers comply with other federal laws that affect employee benefits, such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA).
  • Save time and money. Creating and maintaining an ERISA wrap document can be easier and more cost-effective than updating and distributing multiple SPDs for each benefit plan. An ERISA wrap document can also reduce the administrative burden and expenses associated with filing annual reports (Form 5500) with the Department of Labor (DOL), as it allows employers to file a single report for all their health and welfare plans.
  • Enhance employee satisfaction and retention. An ERISA wrap document can improve the communication and transparency of the benefits offered by the employer. It can help employees understand the value and features of their benefits, as well as their rights and responsibilities as plan participants. An ERISA wrap document can also demonstrate the employer’s commitment to providing quality and compliant benefits to its workforce, which can boost employee morale and loyalty.

If you are interested in creating an ERISA wrap document for your health and welfare plans, you can contact Vesta Employee Benefit Solutions for assistance. Vesta is a leading provider of employee benefits solutions in Nebraska, with years of experience and expertise. Vesta can help you design, implement, and manage an ERISA wrap document that meets your specific needs and goals. Vesta can also provide you with other services, such as benefits enrollment, employee engagement, compliance support, and wellness programs.

Give them a call to learn more about Vesta and how they can help you with your employee benefits. Vesta is ready to help you with your ERISA wrap document and other employee benefits needs.